[email protected]
11901 Business Blvd., Ste. 209
Eagle River, Alaska 99577
Welcome to the FOCUS ASQ-3 online screening program! We are exciting to offer this convenient way for you to screen your child. The information you supply will help reveal your child's strengths, uncover any areas of concern, and determine if there are community resources or services that may be useful for your child or family.
If it is possible, please print out the questionnaire and set aside a time to try each of the activites with your child. Then go back online and fill out the form. This gives your child the best opportunity to do well in the screening. Please mark Yes if your child is performing the skill, Sometimes if your child can perform the skill but not consistently, and Not Yet if your child is not performing the skill at all.
Section 2 asks important questions about your child's development and is your time to voice any concerns you may have with your child.
Finally, have fun completing the questionnaire with your child, and make sure he or she is rested, fed, and ready to play before you try the activities. Please complete it within one week to guarantee accurate age equivalancy.